International Workshop on Combating Desertification and Land Degradation

NEASPEC secretariat hosted an international workshop on combating desertification and land degradation (DLD) jointly with the State Forestry Administration of China in July 2015 in Beijing. DLD threatens over a quarter of Chinese landmass and almost all Mongolian grasslands. It is also closely linked to poverty, health and livelihoods of a large population in the subregion.
At the workshop, the participants representing governments, international organizations, academia, NGOs and the private sector discussed and adopted a tool named the North-East Asia Multi-stakeholder Plan (NEAMSP) designed to facilitate exchange of information and coordination among stakeholders, which will help address the fragmented nature of the current DLD work in the subregion. The MSP can also be used to supplement existing multilateral mechanisms in the subregion and support countries as well as individual stakeholders in their review and planning of DLD activities. The participants recognized the added value of the MSP and agreed to develop it further so that it can be a practical tool for information sharing and for arranging future discussions on a regular basis.
Chair: Mr. Bin Luo, Deputy Director General, National Bureau to Combat Desertification (NBCD), State Forestry Administration of China
- Ms. Yingzhen Pan, Director General, National Bureau to Combat Desertification, State Forestry Administration of China
- Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office (ENEA)
- Mr. Byong Hyon Kwon, UNCCD Dryland Ambassador and President, Future Forest
Chair: Mr. Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Director, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
- Ms. Xiaoxia Jia, Division Director, NBCD, State Forestry Administration, China
- Ms. Mandakh Nyamtseren, Researcher, Institute of Geography and Geoecology
- Mr. Jun Hirano, Technical Official, Ministry of Environment, Japan
- Mr. Kwangho Baek, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division, Korea Forest Service, Republic of Korea
- Ms. Rong Ding, Director, Forestry Department of Inner Mongolia
- Mr. Shihai Lv, Researcher, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
- Mr. Duoqing Man, Researcher, Gansu Desertification Control Institute
Q&A and discussions
Chair: Ms. Xiaoxia Jia, Division Director, NBCD, State Forestry Administration, China
- Mr. Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
- Mr. Gilsang Jeong, Chief Researcher, National Institute of Ecology
- Mr. Ken Yoshikawa, Professor, Okayama University, Graduate School of Environmental Science
- Mr. Byong Hyon Kwon, President, Future Forest
- Mr. Jae Kwang Ko, Global Program Director, Green Asia Network
- Mr. Xudong Yang, Deputy Secretary General, China Green Foundation
- Mr. Sangho Park, Director, Ecopeace Asia Beijing Office
- Mr. Chengguo Yin, CEO, Elion Group
Q&A and discussions
Chair: Mr. Sangmin Nam, Deputy Director, UNESCAP-ENEA
Review and consultation on the Multi-stakeholder Plan(MSP)
- Utilization of the MSP for different stakeholder groups
- Linkages to existing mechanisms and programmes
- Structure of the MSP
- Potential roles and activities
Field visit to Machikou (馬池口) – a town north-west of Beijing city seriously affected by dust and sand, where afforestation and ecological conservation projects have been carried out including windbreaks and other sand control measures.